- OneWayTransactionProcessorInterface::addTransactionResponseLister() — Method in class OneWayTransactionProcessorInterface
Add a listener to the result of process transaction action
- BelongsToPlatformTransaction — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- ProcessorLibraryFactoryInterface::createInstance() — Method in class ProcessorLibraryFactoryInterface
Creates a processor Library based on processor instance
- TransactionInterface::createdAt() — Method in class TransactionInterface
Date Time representation of the transaction create time
- LibraryAwareProcessorInterface::getLibrary() — Method in class LibraryAwareProcessorInterface
Returns the library id attached to the processor
- ProcessTransactionResultInterface::getProcessorReference() — Method in class ProcessTransactionResultInterface
Transaction reference of the processor plaform
- ProcessTransactionResultInterface::getReference() — Method in class ProcessTransactionResultInterface
Returns the reference of the transaction created on the transaction platform
- ProcessTransactionResultInterface::getStatusText() — Method in class ProcessTransactionResultInterface
The tranasction status text
- ProcessTransactionResultInterface::getResponse() — Method in class ProcessTransactionResultInterface
Transaction processor response object
- ProcessorInterface::getId() — Method in class ProcessorInterface
Returns the unique id of the processor
- ProcessorInterface::getName() — Method in class ProcessorInterface
Returns the unique processor name
- ProcessorInterface::getPaymentProcessType() — Method in class ProcessorInterface
Returns the payment process type of the processor. Payment process type can be a PUSH, TRANSACTIONAL payment process type
- ProcessorTransactionPaymentInterface::getProcessor() — Method in class ProcessorTransactionPaymentInterface
Returns the processor object attached to the transaction
- TransactionInitiator::getName() — Method in class TransactionInitiator
Returns the name of the invoicer
- TransactionInitiator::getPlatforms() — Method in class TransactionInitiator
Returns the list of iterable invoicer platform
- TransactionInitiatorPlatform::getAddress() — Method in class TransactionInitiatorPlatform
Get the virtual/numerical address of the invoicer platform
- TransactionInitiatorPlatform::getDomain() — Method in class TransactionInitiatorPlatform
Returns the Domain identifier of the Invoicer platform
- TransactionInitiatorPlatform::getCredentials() — Method in class TransactionInitiatorPlatform
Returns the list of invoicer plaform credentials
- TransactionInterface::getReference() — Method in class TransactionInterface
Returns unique identifying value of the transaction on all platform
- TransactionInterface::getId() — Method in class TransactionInterface
Returns the transaction id on the payment payment platform
- TransactionInterface::getValue() — Method in class TransactionInterface
Returns the actual value of the transaction. Usually in case of payment commands, transaction value is the currency based amount of the payment
- TransactionInterface::getWeight() — Method in class TransactionInterface
Return the weight of the transaction. For currency based transactions, this can be
, 'USD', 'EUR', etc...Note Weight will impact during transaction value from conversion
- TransactionPaymentInterface::getFrom() — Method in class TransactionPaymentInterface
Returns the source address of the transaction
- TransactionPaymentInterface::getReturnURL() — Method in class TransactionPaymentInterface
Returns the returns URL of the transaction payment
- TransactionalPaymentInterface::getOTP() — Method in class TransactionalPaymentInterface
Returns the OTP value to be used by the processor library when sending process request
- UIAwareProcessorInterface::getUIConfig() — Method in class UIAwareProcessorInterface
Returns the UI configuration value of the processor
- InvalidProcessorOTPException — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn\Exceptions
- ProcessTransactionResultInterface::isValidated() — Method in class ProcessTransactionResultInterface
Boolean value indicating validated transactions
- ProcessorInterface::isActivated() — Method in class ProcessorInterface
True if the procesor is active or not
- ProcessorInterface::isTransactional() — Method in class ProcessorInterface
Based analysis phases processor supports 2 types of transaction.
- TransactionInitiator::isActive() — Method in class TransactionInitiator
Returns the active/inactive state of the platform entity
- TransactionInitiatorPlatform::isActive() — Method in class TransactionInitiatorPlatform
Returns the active/inactive state of the platform entity
- TransactionInitiatorPlatformCredential::id() — Method in class TransactionInitiatorPlatformCredential
property getter- TransactionInterface::isProcessed() — Method in class TransactionInterface
Returns true if the transaction is processed and false if not
- TransactionInterface::isPending() — Method in class TransactionInterface
Returns true is the transaction is still in pending state
- LibraryAwareProcessorInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- {@inheritDoc}
- OneWayTransactionProcessorInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- BelongsToPlatformTransaction::platform() — Method in class BelongsToPlatformTransaction
Returns the platform to which the transaction belongs
- ProcessorPaymentProcessType — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn\Enum
- ProcessorPaymentProcessType::processType() — Method in class ProcessorPaymentProcessType
Query for the value of a payment process type
- ProcessorPaymentProcessType::processTypeString() — Method in class ProcessorPaymentProcessType
Query for the string value of a payment process type
- ProcessorLibraryNotFoundException — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn\Exceptions
- ProcessorNotFoundException — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn\Exceptions
- ProcessTransactionResultInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- ProcessTransactionResultInterface::processedAt() — Method in class ProcessTransactionResultInterface
Returns the date time at wich the transaction was processed
- ProcessorInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
orTransaction Processor
is an entity that handles a transaction on the behalf of the gateway platform.- ProcessorLibraryFactoryInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
Processor Library Factory
provides API for creating a processor client based on the processor configuration values.- ProcessorLibraryInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
Processor Library
is an entity used by the gateway service to process transactions- ProcessorLibraryInterface::processTransaction() — Method in class ProcessorLibraryInterface
Process a transaction object using the processor implementation
- ProcessorTransactionPaymentInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- TransactionalProcessorLibraryInterface::requestOTP() — Method in class TransactionalProcessorLibraryInterface
Request of an OTP used by client to process a transaction.
- TransactionInitiatorPlatformCredential::secret() — Method in class TransactionInitiatorPlatformCredential
property getter
- TransactionStatus — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn\Enum
- ProcessorLibraryInterface::toProcessTransactionResult() — Method in class ProcessorLibraryInterface
Creates an instance of {ProcessTransactionResultInterface} from processor response
- TransactionInitiator — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
In the context of this library/package a transaction initiator is the entity that produces/creates a transation ( a {TransactionInterface} in our dialect ). Based on system requirements a transaction initiator has name, a list of clients (web service, client application, etc...) and an active or inactive state
- TransactionInitiatorPlatform — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
In the context on this information technology implementation, an Invoicer Plaform defines an entity that makes request for invoice transactions on the gateway platform.
Invoicer Platforms
are defines by their name, address, domain, and authorization credentials.- TransactionInitiatorPlatformCredential — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- TransactionInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
Refers to a payable entity (Ex: invoice in invoicing system) that have a given reference to identify it. Transaction usually have a countable value, a weight (Ex: Currency in invoicing system), the date and time at which the transaction was created and the status of the transaction- TransactionPaymentInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- TransactionResultListener — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- TransactionalPaymentInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- TransactionalProcessorLibraryInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- {@inheritDoc}
- UIAwareProcessorInterface — Class in namespace Drewlabs\Txn
- InvalidProcessorOTPException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidProcessorOTPException
Creates an instance of {InvalidOTPException}
- ProcessorLibraryNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class ProcessorLibraryNotFoundException
Creates a {ProcessorLibraryNotFoundException} instance
- ProcessorNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class ProcessorNotFoundException
Creates an instance of {ProcessorNotFoundException}
- TransactionResultListener::__invoke() — Method in class TransactionResultListener
Provides an implementation that gets invoke when a process transaction action is completed